Hydrological situation for April 2019
For the month of April, the highest concentration of stations that surpassed the lowest threshold level was in the Danube basin, with most stations in Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina and less in Hungary, the Slovak Republic, Republic of Serbia, Austria and Germany. There is also a remarkable concentration of stations across the Po basin in Italy and Norway. A more dispersed distribution of stations with exceedances occurred upstream the Dnieper basin, in Belarus, and the Guadalhorce and Minho rivers in Spain as well as the Jordan and Hiyon rivers in Israel. Only one station in Sweden presented exceedances, the Dalkarlsan river.
Stations that registered discharge values above the 90% quantile are mostly located across Norway, Finland and Sweden. This occurred less frequently for stations along the Inn, Drave and Isel rivers, upstream the Danube basin in Austria.
Stations registering values below the 10% quantile are mainly located in Central Europe, in the Rhine, Elbe, Oder, Vistula basins, upstream and midstream the Danube basin (Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania and Republic of Serbia), and finally in the Dnieper basin. A lower concentration of stations is found across the United Kingdom (two stations in the Thames Basin), Sweden (Liden and Mossan rivers), and Spain in the Ebro and Ter basins.