Welcome to the next EFAS webinar which will provide information on:
EFAS User Guide - Application and Interpretation of EFAS Products and Services
The EFAS webinar on the EFAS User Guide (https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CEMS/EFAS+User+Guide) will be held Wednesday March 22nd 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 CEST. The webinar will include, for example, an overview of EFAS products and services and information on how to detect and analyze a flood signal from probabilistic forecasts.
The webinar is open to everyone who is interested to learn more about EFAS and was specifically designed for non-hydrologists/non-meteorologists who need to make quick decisions based on EFAS forecasts. This webinar is also recommended for students who would like to receive an introduction to EFAS and to operational protocols.
The webinar will be held via the Pexip platform. Participation is free of charge, and no registration is necessary. Note that the webinar will be recorded for EFAS training purposes, and some content will be made available afterwards.
The webinar can be joined via the following methods:
- From a web browser: https://my.meetu.se/meet/20697756
- From Microsoft Skype4B: 20697756@vmr.vc
- From a video system (SIP/H.323): efas.room10@join.smhi.se
- By telephone: +46 852504150 (for other countries check web browser link) Use conference Code: 20697756#
If you have any specific questions that you would like to be covered during the webinar, please do contact paulina.hellgren@smhi.se.
We would also like to take the opportunity to remind you that all previous webinars are available on the EFAS website: https://www.efas.eu/en/webinars