A new multi-model system providing monthly averages of discharge over the European domain with a lead time up to 7 months has been published on the Climate Data Store (CDS). The model consists of three hydrological models, LISFLOOD, E-HYPE and VIC forced with the ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecasts. The multi-model system provides gridded information on the same river network as EFAS, and the LISFLOOD model setup is the same as in the operational seasonal forecasts in EFAS. The system also provides multi-model catchment-based forecasts, using multiple parameterisation schemes of the E-HYPE model.
The system is the fruit of a collaboration between SMHI, WUR Wageningen, and EFAS-COMP through a Copernicus Climate Change Service contract. For more information, please see the links below.
Forecasts from January 2021 to present: https://bit.ly/3n1bW5Z
Reforecasts from 1993 to 2016: https://bit.ly/339ftIb