Record rainfall fell in the metropolitan area of Valencia, Spain on 03 May 2022, causing flooding across the city and surrounding areas
Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) reported a total of 232.4 l/m² of rain in Valencia in 24 hours, which is a record amount for the month of May and one of the highest totals on record for the city.
Figures from Associació Valenciana de Meteorologia (AVAMET) show the weather station at Camins al Grau in the city recording 260.9 l/m².
AEMET added that in the 2-month period from 03 March to 03 May, the city of Valencia accumulated 488.6 l/m², an amount higher than the normal value for an entire year (474.9 l/m²).
Firefighters rescued several occupants of vehicles trapped in floodwaters in Paterna municipality to the north of the city, and in Carlet municipality to the south.
In total firefighters carried out over 50 interventions, including clearing flooded roads and removing downed trees. Local police said their officers responded to 94 rain-related interventions in 2 hours late on 03 May. At least four road tunnels in the city were flooded at one point. Some schools were closed and rail services were interrupted or suspended.
A city official pointed out that investment in the Cano de la Molinera pumping station and clearing of drainage systems, together with natural drainage systems in the city such as the Turia riverbed, helped control the flooding at times of greatest intensity.
Other areas of the country also saw severe weather around this time. On 02 May, hail and heavy rain caused flooding and damage in parts of the Murcia Region. Murcia emergency services (112 Murcia) said around 30 mm of rain fell in 1 hour on 02 May 2022, causing floods in Caravaca de la Cruz. Emergency crews responded to 48 weather-related incidents, including 6 rescues. An intense hailstorm caused damage in Bullas, Mula, and Yecla.
Hail and heavy rain also affected areas further north, including parts of the capital, Madrid. Madrid 112 reported 29 incidents, including 16 interventions for flood water clearance, mostly in Leganés and Móstoles.
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