Sava River Basin workshop, 04-05 October Zagreb, Croatia
A training workshop on Governance and Technology for Flood Risk Reduction: Linking early warning to emergency management in the Sava River Basin, was held 04-05 October in Zagreb, Croatia. The workshop served two main purposes: presenting the current state of ongoing relevant projects for the Sava basin (Sava FEWS and I-REACT), and a communication exercise among representatives of hydrometeorological services and civil protection on a simulated flood event.
Regarding the first, large advancements on the establishment and implementation of the Flood Forecasting and Warning System in the Sava Basin (FEWS Sava) have been achieved. It is foreseen to test the EFAS forecast as inclusion of an external forecast in the FEWS Sava system. The communication exercise revealed some shortcomings in the procedures of some countries - an opportunity for improvement.