Severe weather affected areas of northern Italy from 04 to 05 October 2021. Dozens of people were rescued from flooding in the regions of Liguria and Piedmont.
Figures from Liguria’s environment agency showed a record 181 mm of rainfall in just 1 hour and over 900 mm in 24 hours.

The President of Liguria said in a statement late 04 October that almost all emergency situations were concentrated in the Savona area, in the Bormida valley and in the hinterland of Genoa in the Stura valley. The president said the situation was critical given the extreme levels of rainfall. As much as 604 mm of rain fell in 12 hours in Rossiglione and 540 mm in 12 hours in Savona, Toti said.
Liguria’s environment agency, Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Ligure (ARPAL) reported 1-hour rainfall totals of 145.2 mm in Cairo Montenotte, 178.2 mm in Urbe and 181 mm in Vicomorasso, which is a new national record. Furthermore, figures from ARPAL show the station at Rossiglione recorded more than 900 mm of rain in 24 hours.
Several rivers broke their banks in the region. The Erro flooded areas of Pontinvrea; the Bormida river overflowed in Cairo Montenotte; and the Letimbro caused flooding in the city of Savona.

Italy’s fire service, Vigili Del Fuoco, carried out 30 interventions in the city of Savona; rescued 13 trapped motorists in Rossiglione; and evacuated five families trapped in a building in Ponteinvrea.
Several roads including motorways were temporarily closed, and some rail services were suspended. A bridge was wiped out in Quiliano. Flooding also affected areas of Camporosso and other parts of the Province of Imperia. Schools, public buildings, and parks were closed in the city of Genoa.
In the Piedmont Region, firefighters rescued 29 people from flooding caused by the overflowing Orba river in Ovada, Alessandria Province, late on 04 October 2021.
Social Media
Video of floods in Liguria, Italy. Link: https://twitter.com/meteoredit/status/1445163281388347393
#SevereWeather ? Gravi inondazioni in #Liguria.
Le piogge torrenziali ? delle ultime ore hanno lasciato in alcuni osservatori della zona oltre 600 mm di accumulo pluviometrico. pic.twitter.com/ZeFCl8oOPm
— Meteored Italia (@meteoredit) October 4, 2021