There will be two changes to the EFAS system on Tuesday 18th October, associated with the completed migration of ECMWF's Production Data Store (ECPDS) and the EFAS hydrological forecasting chain to ECMWF's new supercomputer in Bologna.
1. Relevant to all EFAS users is that EFAS v4.6 is to be released operationally on the 18th October. It introduces some minor changes to the system, as well as some general bug fixes. Here is a summary of the main changes:
- An updated LISFLOOD model version (v3.2.0) with the enhanced capability to handle inputs, improved computation performances and porting to python3 (available at: https://github.com/ec-jrc/lisflood-code/releases)
- Improvements to the Rapid Impact Assessment methodology and information displayed in the EFAS-IS layer.
- A potential delay in the delivery of the COSMO-LEPS forecasts
For more technical information on the release of EFAS version 4.6, please see the dedicated wiki page following the date of the release.
2. Relevant to users of the EFAS FTP service is that from 12 UTC Tuesday 18th October the data will no longer be available from the previous link (dissemination.ecmwf.int). Any users of the EFAS FTP service are requested to get in touch via the ECMWF Support Portal if they have not received an email about the changing link for the service.