We are pleased to announce the 5th H SAF User Workshop supported by EUMeTrain. It will be held in online mode from January 24th, 2022 to January 28th, 2022. The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H SAF) aims to provide satellite derived products related to precipitation, soil moisture and snow over land in support to hydrology and water management. In addition, H SAF provides both continuous quality assessment of products and the evaluation of their hydrological impact for the benefit of the end user communities.
The workshop objectives will be:
- To introduce the H SAF products and their evolutions with respect to the future European satellite missions;
- The usage of satellite products for flood and drought monitoring and water resources management applications;
- To present use cases of the H SAF products in hydrological applications and emergency management in various regions, including Europe and Africa;
- To demonstrate how to download, process, and apply products for different goals related to water monitoring and water management applications, with examples over the European and African Regions;
- H SAF products quality assessment and applications.
Participants are eligible to present at the workshop and are encouraged to browse through the session programme and select the session of interest (Session 2 - Session 6 are open for abstract submission).
Thank you for your interest in the H SAF Workshop. Please follow the guidelines on the link below for submission of your abstract (deadline 24 December 2021):
The agenda and the registration links are available on the link:
More details: